Project leader in event planning
Responsible and versatile, I want to face the international challenges of the 21st century
High Business School degree | 4 languages | High involvement in school | respect and leadership
2007-2009 President of the BDA:
Leading & optimising the school activity: 80 persons – 90K€ budget.
Teaching project organisation to 120 students (20 hours)
2006-2007 Treasurer of the BDA: organising, deciding & sharing the 90K€ of the community
2005-2006 Project leader for the Gala – budget 90K€.
Webmaster for the student website: administrator & news writer
Vice president of the sailing organisation: project leader for a trip week for 35 people: 14K€
Aug. 2008 Universidad Belgrano (Buenos Aires) event assistant at the cultural department
July 2006 Somme Council (departmental organisation) technical staff during a classical music event
May 2006 Printemps des Rues (Art club) Marketing assistant in Paris during a street art event
Sept. 2005 Alcéa Events (Sport Event company) stock-man and seller during the Fed Cup in Paris
Aug. 2005 HEGLA (glass industry) Marketing assistant in Beverungen (Germany)
May 2005 Alcéa Events (Sport Event Company) stock-man for Roland Garros Open in Paris
July 04-05 Games Services (production media company dedicated to digital entertainment)
Technical staff & Admin for a video games tournament at Electronic Sports World Cup in Paris
2004-2009 ISTEC, Master in Event organisation at the High Business School specialized in Marketing located in Paris
>Semester in Argentina (Belgrano) & Mexico (UDLA)
>Thesis about the evolution of Energy & Environment in the next 20 years
2002-2004 Medicine at the University of Amiens
2002 A-Level with a specification in science & German specialization
Languages: |
Computer Skills: |
French: mother tongue | Windows & Linux environment |
English: Excellent: TOEFL 555 | Pack MS office & Open office |
German: Fluent spoken & written | Typing & hardware developed skills |
Spanish: Fluent spoken & written | Network abilities – Website creation |
Computer games: Pro gaming-competing at the international level, team-management, news writer.
Hobbies : Basket-Ball, Hockey & Sailing. Blogging, photography & travels. Music: Guitar & piano